Aight....soooo I didn't place in the top 5. Dipped out after I found that out......not even TOUCHING on the whole FAME operation. *shakes head*....
Yesterday was AWESOME!! I had a blast and it was definitely one of THE best experiences to date. (short of the birth of mini me) I may not have won....but you better believe I damn sure turned heads. I was SMOKIN'!
And loved every minute of it! I had several people come up to me throughout the show suggesting I do an NPC show.....sooooooo...I'm right on track for my big goal.
I'm waiting on my photographer to send me the pics. He was so fired up after the was funny..."I PURPOSELY took pictures of EVERY girl in your class because that was a the HELL did you not place in the top 3, no seriously christy, you HAVE to see the pics!" haha I'll be sure to post up when I get them.
I had about 35 friends out there screaming like bobo's for which just rocked!! My routine took the cake with the audience. They were laughing and cheering louder than all of the other gals which felt awesome considering I put it together in 3 days. Braylan was out in the aisle yelling "you rock mommy! omg, that's my mommy! that's my mommy!" the entire time I was on stage and let me just say....that was THE best prize anyone could have given me. So, all in all....I rocked and looked good doing it!
I really don't know how they judge...don't really care...just glad I got the experience. I was the only chick on stage with calves, butt, quads. Kinda funny how they promote symmetry and the judging doesn't reflect it at all. are the pics we got with my cam before pre-judging. My photog was there at the evening show which I was harder and leaner looking so I'm interested to see those.
Tell me whatcha think!??