He was going to call Ernie Frantz and figure it all out. He said not one APF meet has occured in MO since 1992, but he's doing one in St. Louis on Feb 22 that will be APF sanctioned.
In the book, it says that a 24hour weigh in is mandatory! And from the looks of it, we can't weigh in until 7pm the night before. I wonder if some of us on the border can come in an weigh earlier on Friday, so that we can have longer to rehydrate?
Spatts, all MO records will be established at the Feb meet.
As for the weigh in, I will call in a couple hours, as it is too early right now.
Will post what I know as soon as I hear something. They were supposed to send us our applications, but they haven't come, so I have to get those as well.
Jim just got back to me, and the weigh in time is set. He said he's be there aorund 5pm or so, but we'll have to weigh in the night before.
If anyone needs some tips on making weight, you are welcome to email me. I have played with this many times, and feel like I am really good at the rehydration part.
We'll all go out that night and have a big dinner and lots of liquid to hydrate up.