Going to add sust to 300 mg of deca and think that 250
would be the best idea rather than the popular 500 mg
a week that most recommend, anyone with experience
with just 250 a week... I am patient
Used 250mg for 10 weeks with a final gain of 7 lbs solid. Gained 25 lbs at peak but didn't have clomid or anything to finish it off with. How much are you looking to keep? I was completely clean at the beginning of cycle. No regrets at all.
Question for you
I have been looking to do 250mg sus week 10 weeks
the reasoning behind this is that i want to up my test level
to slightly higher then it would have been in my 20's (now in 30's)
i am trying for the most part to increase my strength more then size
1) is there a concern with water retention at this dosage
as i would like to stay same weight class
2) will i see a noticable decrease in strength once i finish the cycle.
I have been reading were bro doing higher test 500 750 1gram week have had
amazing strength increase only to lose it after.
3) is using clomid post cyle is required
I was considering doing 250 a week for my first cycle, but got hammered by about 20 people on this board for considering it.
I just made an order with my supplier for 500/mg a week of sust, 400/mg a week of deca, and 50/mg ed of winny starting from week 6-12 and d-bol for wk 1-4.
All my friends at the gym think I'm going to die.
If they read this board, they would see it's a mild cycle, even for a 1st timer
my cycle was only 250 for 8 weeks. I did do 500 for 2 weeks just because I had 2 extra. Gained 21lbs. If I had to do it over again I would do it the same.
i did 250 for 5 weeks, 500 on week 6, then 250 for 7. this was my first cycle ever!! i put on 17lbs. and now a month later, i still have 13 lbs. of it, that's with no clomid or anything. i ate super clean, and trained like a motherf*cker!!!!