Nalbuphine is a mixed angonist-antagonist opiod. It works on the kappa recepter for pain relief and also stimultates the sigma recepter which gives people that euphoric sensation. Since it is classified as an angonist/antagonist it will have different properties at different doses. If it used at a low dose it will give good analgesia (5mg/70kg). If you use higher doses it will give you some euphoria but even at higher doses (20mg/70kg) it becomes an antagonist. This means that it will block analgesic receptors and only allow for stimulation of pain recepters. Some of the signs are you will become irritatable and bothersome. I think that is has definite uses for analgesia but must be kept at a dose of 5mg/70kg, if you go over that amount you will experience euphoria (10mg/kg) and become addicted. Nalbuphine is used as an adjunct treatment for herion addicts, they will supplement Nalbuphine to help with the withdrawl symptoms. If you decide to use it make sure you keep it under comtrol.