Don't sweat it ---
First I'm going to make a blanket statement that is reality about competition --- once you start talking to people about doing shows, ANYONE who has any experience or even has just heard stuff about competitoin, will start suggesting stuff to help you - anythign from having a stash of an old discontinued ephedra-based thermogenic, to "legal" natural diuretics, so-called 'testosterone boosters" like tribulus to creatines (remember all the controversy about that w/ Mark McGwire???), on up to the controlled stuff including hardcore diuretics, pro-hormones, AAS & fatburners --- when you are deep into competition prep you start to feel like you are at a disadvantage if you are gathering that other competitors will be usign this stuff or that you will never drop enough bodyfat or whatever for your show date & you need some help, and frankly you'll do anything to "be in perfect shape". I challenge ANY competitor to say they have not experienced these feelings at least once.
I also see that it is very hard for people, particularly women, on this board to ask anything about any of these controlled substances w/o catching an earful (see above). I've also seen several girls stop posting because they caught it - which means they most likely found someone else who would answer their questions and not necessarily in a productive manner (most likely saying "SURE I CAN GET YOU THAT... for $xxxxxxx, and then they get fucked up some how.) To that end I don't find it productive to give someone a pile of shit for asking the question. If you don't know what the stuff is, but everyone is tellign you about it, of course you will be curious or at least want to understand where it fits in the big picture because unless you are competing in a truly natural (as if there is such a thing) federation, you will ALWAYS come across some aspect of "performance enhancement". Just like w/ parents who don't want to have the "sex talk" w/ their kids - they'll find out somewhere eventually and it might not be from a good resource.
I'm all about education - esp when there's so much information (and misinformation) available. Just like learning how diet, nutrition & training start, you need to understand the basics and also understand that there's no quickie way to accomplish anythign and your body will ALWAYS be the entity tthat dictates whether or not it will allow you to try to manipulate it with or without some sort of equal & opposite rebound effect. So I encourage the questions, esp when you are starting out because you want to at least know what the context is of some of this stuff, and have enough to at least make a decision that is useful.
In this particular situation, the relevent points are:
- you are 2 weeks out - you don't really have time to experiment w/ anythign new. i wouldn't even suggest throwing in any new type of food that you havent' had in your diet for the last 10 weeks because you dont' even know if that will fuck up your progress. Even less would I mess w/ controlled substances right now. (even moreso given that you are just becoming aware of stuff like anti-e's right now.)
- I don't recall which federation you are competing in - my first 2 shows were tested NPC shows & I was actually part of the random testing in the first one. The second one I'd swear the girl who won the overall was juicing even though she was tested as the winner (probably just a lameo lie detector test - NPC doesn't really fork out the cash for a full-on drug test). But regardless of what you can get away with, I think its shitty sportsmanship to compete in an intended natural show if you aren't natural.
- You did say straight up that you wanted to keep this plan simple & straightforward - which you are doing. Esp for your first show - you need to be patient and consider it an experiment not only just for the experienc of getting up on stage and all that, but to discover how your body responds to the diet & training. You will still see some amazingly dramatic changes in your body over these next few weeks. I personally think if you don't just see what your body will do w/ what you are doing now, you are cheating yourself out of that part of discovering what amazign things your body can accomplish with very basic manipulations. Things like potassium, salt, water, carb depletion are very short term and very simple changes to make. Hormone manipulation is a much different issue - they havent' even figured out how to manage hormone therapy for post-menopausal women in a do-able fashion yet.
And as I said above -- nolva is the most common, how it works for guys has absolutely nothing to do w/ how it works for women, and there's still so much that is not really known about it -- at this point it isnt' somethign that IMO would be a useful expenditure of your time to use. Just more complications to something that is already very stressful and won't stop until after the show.
Speakign of after the show-- as Shadow noted and I've ranted about ad nauseum -- you'll have enough to deal w/ re: post show rebound. Experience that once first w/o adding in the further rebound potential of recovering estrogen.