I have a general question related to women who suffer from depression. I have been reading most of the threads that all of you ladies have been posting for some time now, on a wide variety of subjects.
It is my observation that all of you exude various combinations of intelligence, common sense, ambition, assertiveness, wit, empathy and humor.
Above all I am impressed with your dedication and focus regarding training and nutrition. All of you also express abundant self-confidence with respect to disregarding the stereotypes, societal notions, and downright beligerence towards women that train seriously with weights.
My first generic question is: Absent a genetic/diagnosed biological condition, or an recent temporal emotional trauma, what do you believe to be the cause of your depression ?
I tried to think about what existentially has changed in society or the lives of women in general that would cause such an increase in the use of anti-d's.
I'm 42, and I remember the crap my mother had to put up with as a professional women in the medical field dominated by men. She was told by her professors that women didn't belong in the sciences. She faced harrassment and a glass ceiling.
Birth control was limited until the late 60's, and abortion was a taboo. In short a woman didn't really have control of her body.
Women of color faced legal discrimination.
We are in the 21st century and while society still have some impediments that need to fall relative to women's issues, for all practical purposes over the last 40 years the prospects for women to control their bodies, their educations, their careers, their finances, and their lives in general have improved markedly.
What is it ? Has the problem always been there, but now it's accepted to talk about depression ? Am I overgeneralizing and each women's depression is her own and is no reflection on any purported imputation of cause that can be attributed to society.
Is it age/decade specific ? For example, I tell all the women that I know that are in there 20's that you couldn't pay me to be a women in her 20's, because most of the guys are emotionally arrested and are soley interested in getting laid.
I would sincerely appreciate any help you ladies could give me in answering these questions.