dont understand
I don't really understand how I've been so offensive. I think people do care about gay people getting equal rights, as the recent and coming legal cases show. Gay pride parades started just like the other political associations for black people and women's rights. Sometimes for minorities there is a need for seperateness because they aren't accepted by the majority of people. I can't go to just any bar with my boyfriend and dance with him, well I can, but I might just get my ass beat. But, if I go to a gay bar then I'll be left alone, see the need for some seperateness? Hopefully this need will go away with more equality and acceptance. I agree, you have every right to hate me, call me names, whatever. I'm just saying that it would be nice if people on this board could respect each other more, it doesn't make sense why you can't intelligently talk to me about stuff without degrading me. But, I admit that you don't have to do this, but it would be nice. Just how its nice that I respect your right to have opinions and beliefs and live however you want to live. I don't degrade others. Also, women are consider a minority, even though they make up a about half the pop. statistically, they are still discriminated against. There was and still is a feminism movement? Also, women are included in affirmative action, so they are still considered to have minority status just because they have and still are the targets of discrimination. Thanks