Week 20, Thursday (Wed's workout)
1. Front squats (kg)
bar x 9 x 2 sets ....... warmup
30 x 5 .................... warmup
35 x 5
35 x 5
40 x 5
40 x 5
40 x 5 .................. (88lb)
2. Deads (kg)
40 x 5 x 2 sets .......... SLDL warmup
50 x 5
55 x 5
60 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 5 .................. (166lb) ..... felt great!
3. Military Press (kg)
bar x 9 ............... warmup
25 x 5
30 x 5
35 x 5
37.5 x 5
40 x 5 ................ (88lb)
4. Pullups
BW x 2 x 5 sets .... only attempted 2 reps each (probably couldn't have done 3 anyway)
5. Chins - to get some volume in after pullups
BW x 2 x 2 sets ...... easy
BW x 3 x 3 sets ...... hard
I'm going to start doing front squats on Weds rather than light back squats. These were ok, but I did them in my bench/squat rack and the bar didn't feel as comfy coming from the rack vs cleaning it from the floor.
I tried some stiff leg deads to warm up, at least I think that's what they were. I can't really tell much of a difference between stiff leg, straight leg and Romanian. I kept my back arched and kept my legs stiff but not locked, sticking my arse out as the bar went down. So whatever that's called
For the actual deads, I couldn't resist throwing on a little weight. Everything felt fine, no twinges from my back at all, even when I twisted and prodded it, and it's ok now after the workout too. I also noticed I could pick up the 20kg/45lb plates without my back feeling strained. I always used to feel as though I was working my back just putting the plates on the bar before (embarassing as it sounds). I think that must have been because my back wasn't right. Oh, and I also managed all my sets with overhand grip, which is a first
Military felt heavy, but not PR heavy. PR weight is 46kg.
I've never been good at pullups and probably couldn't have got 3 reps if I tried, so I stuck to just 2 reps today. I still felt a bit chipper once I'd finished so I switched to close grip chins to get some volume in. I think last time I tried chins I didn't use a close grip and I found them just as hard as pullups. I used close grip today and they were so much easier, I went up to 3 reps for the last 3 sets, which is a bit of a result. I'll have sore bi's tomorrow after all this time off!
I'm happy with this workout because my back felt great. I'll see what I'm like in the morning. I think I'm fixed. Woohoo! About bloody time!