Week 2, Wednesday
1. Squats (kg)
40 x 9 Front squats (warmup)
50 x 5
55 x 5
55 x 5
68 x 5 (switched to back squats in smith)
73 x 5
2. Dead (kg)
60 x 9 (warmup)
70 x 5
80 x 5
92.5 x 5 (up 2.5)
105 x 5 (up 5)
115 x 5 (up 5)
3. Military Press (kg)
23 x 5
25.5 x 5 (up 2.5)
29 x 5 (up 1)
30.5 x 5 (up 2.5)
34 x 5 (up 1)
4. Pullups (kg)
-20 x 5 (assisted)
-20 x 5
-15 x 5
-15 x 5
-10 x 5 (all same as last week)
In the original description of this program, today's supposed to be a light day. But how can a light day include deads?!
I started off trying front squats after cleaning the weight. I'm practising and getting better at these. The front squats themselves are ok, and I'm more comfortable cleaning the weight and getting it into position now. It's not pretty, but it'll do for now. I tried super_rice's suggestion (in the front squats thread) of using hook grip to keep my fingers around the bar, which worked a bit better. The thing that I find really hard though, is getting the bar down after. I can't dump it because my gym doesn't have the floor for it. I tried lifting it back into my hands with a bit of a leg kick and then lowering it in a controlled manner, but when I got the bar back into my hands I could barely hold it because my wrists were hurting so much. And of course my gym still doesn't have a rack that I can unload onto. I'll keep practising, but I'm not going heavier than today until my wrists can take it.
Deads. I look forward to deads because nobody does them in my gym and I get to lift more weight than anyone else does in any other exercise. It's a sad state of affairs. Today was absolutely knackering. I had sweat pouring off me by the third set. I got all the reps though, and it was a bit of a jump from last week. I've done 120kg for 3 reps before now, but I'm not sure whether to make another big jump and try 5 reps next week or just go to 117.5kg. Anyhow, I'm not declaring a PR until I get to 120x5.
Military - I spread the weights out a bit better today and added just a kilo to the top set. Wasn't too difficult. I'm not sure about form - I use quite a wide grip and have my elbows out to the side with my forearms mostly vertical whilst I'm doing them. And I do every rep from below my chin - the top of my chest in fact, with no leg kick at all. Is this right? I've seen some of the vids linked from madcow's main page and it looks like they use a narrower grip with elbows forward, not to the side. I'm sure what I'm doing is an effective exercise, but would I be better to work my front delts by having my elbows forwards? I don't think so but I thought I'd throw the question out there.
Pullups - same level of assistance as last week and only just got the final rep again. No real change. I was really knackered from the deads though.
All in all, a pretty tiring workout. My heart rate felt like it was up for a good couple of hours after I left the gym (from the deads).
Measured my right arm again this morning and it was unexpectedly up: 13 1/4". Another 1/8"! So that's 1/4" increase in 6 days!!!