tylaseashell said:
Thank you for your advice i really appreciate you taking the time.
About the training less thing .... I have never really tried only working out 3 days a week unless I was just feeling lazy that week. So how would i go about doing that?? Correct me if I'm wrong but would i work out on Mon., Wed. & Friday and do Chest/Bis one day, Back/Tris the other and then legs/shoulders the last day??
And No I have not worked out calories or macronutrients .... I don't know too much about what I need to do on these.
Yes, that would be a great split to work on.
A lot of people over-train, I did, and I had the exact same thing 'OMG I am actually getting smaller' until I stopped overtraining.
Try it out for 4 weeks, minimal cardio, see how it works with your body.
Calories are also important, as if you are eating less than your maintenance, or just at maintenance, there just isn't any extra energy to build new tissue, or very little energy to build tissue.
I am a big believer in clean/lean bulking, so you don't have to go bonkers on the calories thing, I think that most people put on more muscle when they are a bit leaner rather than when they get fat.
Just adding in about 10 % over your maintenance could work really well.
I would figure out what you are eating now, calorie king or fitday make it quite easy.
I have done it so many times now, I have my own little database of the foods I eat in different quantities, so I just cut and paste into an excel spread sheet and use the summation function to add them all up, really quick.
It does take a bit of effort and dedication at first, but it is really an eye-opener when you do check out what you are REALLY eating.