I'm an endurance athlet (long distance triathlon) considering using Andriol 40 mg testo-caps during my upcoming season to improve recovery and strenght/performance during training. As I'm potentially subject to a doping test during an event, I must, according to information I have read, jump of the pills app. 7 days prior to competition.
Some questions regarding Andriol:
- If I take 2-5 caps (i.e. 40-200 mg) per week during a period of 6-8 months, do I need some kind of pct after? (perhaps a stupid question, sorry)
- As mentioned, I will mainly use the pills after/during hard traning days and weeks - perhaps with some weeks where I do not take any pills at all. I'm planning to increase the intake when race is coming closer, i.e. when the training weeks are getting very hard (+20 hours weekly), but of course jump of the pills at least 7 days prior to competition. With your experience, do you see any potential bad things in taking this approach I mention?
- Any other experiences and good advices for using Andriol for mentioned purpose?
Thanks for your help.
Some questions regarding Andriol:
- If I take 2-5 caps (i.e. 40-200 mg) per week during a period of 6-8 months, do I need some kind of pct after? (perhaps a stupid question, sorry)
- As mentioned, I will mainly use the pills after/during hard traning days and weeks - perhaps with some weeks where I do not take any pills at all. I'm planning to increase the intake when race is coming closer, i.e. when the training weeks are getting very hard (+20 hours weekly), but of course jump of the pills at least 7 days prior to competition. With your experience, do you see any potential bad things in taking this approach I mention?
- Any other experiences and good advices for using Andriol for mentioned purpose?
Thanks for your help.