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Anavar, Winstrol, Turanibol Cycle. Please Read!!!

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I'm a fairly new member to the site. Just for background basics as it seems to be a major concern to individuals giving advice. I am 6'2" 175 lbs. Naturally sit 11-12 Bf Used to be around 7-8 Naturally Until I ran (First Bulk Cycle). I Have ran only a couple of Pro Hormones due to insufficient funds and Lack thereof Amazing promised Results, I abandoned them and went to the Big Boys. I Ran straight Into anadrol (Oxymentholone) 100 Tab Bottle 50 Mg Tablets Along with winstrol (Stanzolol) 100 Tab Bottle 10 Mg Tablets; which I ended up selling half my bottle which I do regret. Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) 100 Tab Bottle 20 Mg Tablets.
Cycle Was Ran in this fashion:
Week 1-4
-50 Mg of anadrol a day
4th Week
Added winstrol 20 Mg a day.
5th Week (started Feeling Supression [HTPA])
Nolvadex 30 Mg every other Day
6th Week
20 Mg winstrol, Nolvadex 30 Mg Everyday
7th-8th Nolvadex 30 Mg Everyday. Along with Test Booster(4 Weeks after 8th) (included Tribulus, Avena Sativa, Horny Goat Weed; The Works for no mishaps in Sexual Drive Performance and Gains thereafter)

Went For Straight Bulk along with Intense Weight Training,Plyometrics, Conditioning, And Sprint Intervals; since I am an athlete Competing in Track and Field and Football. Took in 8,000 Cals a day (All Done With Nutrition Charts Etc. Fitness is my life so I Left no room for Error) for 5 Weeks (1 Week prior to start of cycle). Cycled off Calorie Intake During winstrol to 6,000 Still Doing all the the Training Above Upped Protein Intake to Maintain and lean out heavy Unnecessary mass.

Macro Distribuition 60% Carbohydrates, 35% Proteins 5% Fats. During winstrol Went to 50% Carbohydrates, 45% Proteins, 5% percent Fats

Last but Not Least!!! GAINS Went from 157lbs 6% BF (Bod Pod Test) to 196lbs 11% BF (Bod Pod Again) Cut down During winstrol and End of cycle to 189lbs 7% BF (Bod Pod) Overall Strength Gains, Immense. Endurance Went Through the Roof on anadrol and Continued and Surged beyond that with winstrol.

One last Tid bit- Ran Milk thistle, Saw Palmetto, No Hawthorne Berry do to its lucrativeness around the area -__- One Month Prior to Cycle and Continued Through Week 12. Blood Test Administered every Month One Prior for Baseline and Through out the Cycle for Regulation One After for Comparison Against Baselines. All Checked out perfectly. Test Levels were High before Higher during High after discontinuance of everything. HDL LDL Cholesterol Levels Solid. Liver Enzymes Solid. Don't Know if i'm Blessed but things Checked out.

Now for the good stuff Bear with me people. Sorry for the Long explanation.

I Broke my back My Junior Year having already naturally Gifted Talents for athletics I was outperforming the field. On top of the anabolic steroids that I took I shot to another level that being said Freak accident occurred Broke my back body surfing got crushed underneath a 10 footer Doc Said "All that Muscle on your core and and surrounding areas Saved you From Severing your spine."

Getting BAck in the game now and I'm trying to achieve very, almost stupid fast results. I work like a Hound in the Gym. The Track the Field Etc. I need to get the Strength Which I had built upon 4+ Years of Weight Training Back.

I don't Inject. I refuse to Inject Call me idiotic I know I will get flamed but I just can't do it. I Have at my disposal Hefty amount of winstrol-Turanibol-anavar-Clenbuterol-Proviron-Arimidex-Nolvadex.

I was entertaining the fact of running a 16-18 Maybe 21 (see Below) Week Cycle. Seems too Long and willing to Shorten to 14 But no Less then Twelve. Maybe Back to Eight to get into the Swings of things. That is why I'm here I need help. I know a good amount but know there are Way more knowledgeable individuals around.

Here's the Theoretical Cycle. Very willing to alter. So bear with and Give Constructive Input. I already Know the Liver is going to take a beating.

2 Months Prior to any anabolic steroids- Clenbuterol Cycling 2 Weeks on 2 off. And Liver support Prostate Support. And Cardiovascular Support. Joint Support.
Week One-Seven
1-7 Turanibol 20-30-40 Mg. Not sure What my body will feel/react, Starting at the lower dosage going from there.
Start of Week 4 or (5th)
4(5th)-11(12th) winstrol 20-30-40 Mg.
I don’t want to overdue it. Body Handled 20 perfectly no sides great perks. Also dryness of joints Tad concern I perform on the Track, Lots of Brutal Sprints. If the body handles the doses well I might up to 40 Also Varying on Turanibol. Will Most Likely Try to match dosing protocol for both once I know what my body handles well and effectively.
Week Seven
Turanibol Ends. winstrol Dosing The same.
Week 7- 18(19th) Proviron 25Mg-50Mg 2-3 Times a Week. Since No androgens are probably present to Deal and cope for Any Virility Issues that Might come into play. Temporary Fix for this Issue.
Week 11(12th)-18 (19th) anavar 20-30-40 Mg Depending on Body feel. Overlap Proviron Into anavar Possibly Everyday 50Mg ( Most likely Every Other Day 50Mg), The Mr. Needs to be able to still perform Perhaps Through out the rest of cycle Until I begin Arimidex and or nolva.
3 Weeks Prior To Finish start HCG Regenerate. Or some Potent Testosterone Precursor, Till 5-6 Weeks after Cycle along with The Nolva and/or Arimidex to not allow any flare ups. Running Arimidex a couple weeks after Nolva to help prevent Rebounds.
Then Begin Nolvadex with anavar 2 Weeks Prior to Finish of Cycle Along With Arimidex(3 Weeks)(every other day) Again to combat Any Radical, Though Rare Situations.
Do Mind Doses will be Leveraged and Mixed up according to how the body reacts swelling, Dryness, Mood Suppresion Etc.. Improvisation should be regarded through out the whole cycle.
Run Nolvadex for 6-7 weeks Arimidex ; More so Playing by ear. Possibly dosing every other day with Both.
3 Weeks Prior To Finish start HCG Regenerate. Or some Potent Testosterone Precursor, along with The Nolva and/or Arimidex to not allow any flare ups. Running Arimidex a couple weeks after Nolva to help prevent Rebounds. Continue that for 6-8 weeks.

Done. Won’t touch a Cycle For many years to come.

P.S I’m Looking for Pound for Pound Strength Gains not any sort of Bulk. Endurance. Body Fat Depletion to be at the Lightest Athletically BF Possible. Maintaining All if not 90% of all Gains. Very Little to no room for Digression.
All Which I am looking for is very attainable without anabolic steroids. But now its a matter of Time is Money. Money is Time. I can achieve the given goals in a Good Time frame, but need to be able to achieve such results in a Great if not Excellent Time frame.

Also Please Bear with me I am somewhat knowledgable, But no expert; but I know there are Flaws and Major DrawBacks to the Theoretical Cycle up top. Knowing one of the first things people will say will be saying how I need to have a Test Supension or acetate or Ethenate along with this all Is Just Not Possible. Is there anything to compensate for the lack thereof and A Worthy Valuable Substitute?

Let's Keep it Constructive.

Many Thanks,

I'll be honest, I didn't read the whole thing. I'll just say that 3 orals are to too many.

And nolvadex sucks as it is, adding it to var or winstrol is beyond pointless because they don't aromatize. And even tbol doesn't aromatize much.

AT 175 pounds at 6'2" you can gain at least another 15 pounds naturally.
im a bit skeptical that this is a serious post... however...
how old are you?
when you say you got strong, how strong did you manage to get?
what were your lifts in squat (full squat, not half squat), bench, deadlift, millitary press and clean??
if that is the game plan i can help you... pound for pound strength is my game, but im being VERY nice saying that cycle is an absolute nightmare...
i would like to see your diet and training program in detail as well... otherwise any advice is just a crap in the dark...
what a mess of a post that was, i'm willing to bet my whole stash no one actually reads that entire post lol:nighty:.......I did notice that you won't inject but are running massive amounts of orals that are just jumbled messes, and your p/c/f ratio's with 5% fat intake? wtf? this can't be a real post
what a mess of a post that was, i'm willing to bet my whole stash no one actually reads that entire post lol:nighty:.......I did notice that you won't inject but are running massive amounts of orals that are just jumbled messes, and your p/c/f ratio's with 5% fat intake? wtf? this can't be a real post
you owe me a stash bro... lololol
i like to read those out loud to my wife, so when i talk to her about the cycles im planning, she feels much more at ease...
she votes alter as well...
I hope this is a troll thread, if you're over 6 feet tall and under 200lbs you need to re-evaluate your training and diet, you can easily get to 200+ naturally.
Everybody's replies seem to be indicating that I want to pack on another 15+ Pounds. Mass gain isn't I repeat ISN'T my last Goal. Actually Mass is and never will be my goal. Strength Pound for Pound is what I'm looking for, True Lean Mass. The Post says I need help willing to alter as necessary. So Stop Knocking and Help. Constructive. Sorry for the long Post but it is what it is.

Nelson Montana
Thank you for Telling me to not run Nolva. Was more thinking for a PCT and even then i'm finding thats wrong. Many Thanks.


I'll skip the Age portion I got flamed for Posting age previously by a moderator. Second, I was putting up on Full Squat Most Maxing I ever did for 2 rep Max was 485. Power Cleans 370 One Rep Max. Bench Press 335. Never Maxed Military, Did High rep Sets with 150lbs. Afraid of shoulder injury so I won't really Push to Far with Military. Snatch I pulled 345 One Rep Max. Deadlift believe it or not was not a part of our core Max Group. I did Lower Reps on the side. 4-5 Sets of 385lbs 3-4 Reps per set Set. High Rest. Most I ever Recorded on Paper.
40 Yard Dash. 4.36 When I was 150ish. and 4.4 on the Dot at 189lbs.
100 Meter Time 10.47
200 Time 21.08
400 Time 47.63
Long Jump 23'11"

Hope that Does it, I'll Try and snatch up the rest of your post and reply accordingly. This is what stuck from your post when I read it over quickly.
I had a mate blow his shoulder Out on military going heavy. Thus the reason behind my fear of going Very Heavy on MIlitary. I do understand the Stress and danger that Snatches Pose to the Shoulders I'm completely aware of this. I feel Comfortable and More Powerful doing Explosive Lifts. Military as well isn't a focus Group in the Exercise Program we were put on. Those were done on the side by myself. Sad to say I was the only Kid putting extra work. I was a free Safety QuarterBack Pushing more weights on the Core lifts then The rest of team. Prior to AAS. After It was a Gap that simply would've not been attainable in such a short duration of time. Does Push press Count for your Military. Even though you use a knee Bend and pop the weight up using the Momentum? If so, The Weight Used During the heavy Cycles of our lifting program was 275. We maxed clean and Jerks. No Split leg for the "Push Press" so lower weight the actual Jerk which was at the time 345.
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