If Iam cutting for a comptetion and taking 5-10 mg of Anavar, and a fat burner, what other supps do you recommend? Iam also taking glutamine and a good protein powder and multi.
A good anti-oxidant -- could be r-ALA (e.g. Glucorell), any other good anti-oxs. Also suggest acidophilis --have heard of lots of ladies experiencing yeast infections - the var seems to throw off the "flora" balance in there.
A good anti-oxidant -- could be r-ALA (e.g. Glucorell), any other good anti-oxs. Also suggest acidophilis --have heard of lots of ladies experiencing yeast infections - the var seems to throw off the "flora" balance in there.
Hi...where can I get some acidophilis? I never heard of that....
Also, I was thinking about taking cardio breeze when I am cycling anavar, is that a good or a really dumb idea? Also, what type of anti oxidants do you like? Thanks
Hi...where can I get some acidophilis? I never heard of that....
Also, I was thinking about taking cardio breeze when I am cycling anavar, is that a good or a really dumb idea? Also, what type of anti oxidants do you like? Thanks
Acidophilis is a "good bacteria" that comes in a capsule form, you can get it at the health food store. It's usually refrigerated - I would just ask someone who works there where in the store it's located. I don't trust the stuff you get at the grocery or drug store that is sitting on the shelf with all the other vitamins. Just doesn't seem like it could keep the properties it needs since the bacteria is live.
As far as antioxidants....try to find a "super antioxidant"....one that has a lot of them in one tablet/capsule. Just read the labels.
It would probably depend on how you react to the creatine because it is designed to hold water in your muscles which is completely opposite the goal of cutting & dumping water. You might want to use it in off-season "bulking" since a competition diet doesn't really support muscle building. Then you'd have to pay attention to how long it takes you to drop the water from the creatine use and not detract from your regular contest prep schedule.