I like it when you ladies answer your own questions and a simple "whatever" did the trick. So you see, it was a constructive comment.
It is (and I've seen this) entirely possible that your situation stress responses were magnified with the OX. The reason I say whatever is because the few studies of women on OX or other AAS in similar doses may or may not enhance libido, but generally don't increase aggressiveness or what some of you describe on the board.
The issue of aggressiveness and AAS is very complex. In my opinion, there are many other factors that weigh into the psychological responses in this (a lifting) population vs HIV patients, etc. Concurrent use of thermogenics and other drugs, subconscious responses (i.e., I’m on, therefore I’m more aggressive), heavier training, additional stress knowing you’re on and you have to train and eat properly but life isn’t allowing that, thus you respond to the situational stress more, etc., etc., etc. I’ve known enough people who have been on over the years, and the aggressiveness has far more to do with other factors than the steroids themselves. The whole aggressive thing is overblown. One client would always blame the AAS for her aggressive/moody behavior, but with or without the AAS, other issues in her life elicited the problems, she just blamed the AAS because it was convenient. Furthermore, it may be the changes in other hormones while on a cycle (particularly estrogen) that causes the problem, may not be the AAS.
None-the-less, if you are more prone to aggressiveness while you’re on a cycle, either temper your temper, or don’t use AAS.