New member
I just got back from the doctor today and was asking him about my knee that just hasn't been right every since I twisted playing basketball when I was 16. After that its always been troublesome. I've seen 2 doctors and they always tell me to take it easy. The doctor I'm seeing right now pretty much just did X-rays and felt the knee. X-rays are fine. He says something about being to young to have an (20 now) MRI approved or something, so I'm not really sure what's wrong with my knee, but the doc says its either an overtrained injury or possibly partially torn cartillage. My knee was doing fine but last week I decided to squat 170lbs(I know its not much),and I was fine for 2 days but the week after that my knee was killing me. So what I really want to know is what are some alternatives to Squats?? I'm not suppose to do exercises that put a lot of pressure on my knee so heavy leg presses are out of the question. Same goes for heavy deadlifts. Doc recommend Leg curls. What do you guys think? I'm sorta (Not lifting heavy for legs) following that AST Max-OT program which focuses on lifting heavy for failure at the 6th rep or a weight where you can't do more than 6 reps I'm trying to get my bodyfat down. I'm 5'8 150lbs 16%. Any recommendations or feedback would be greatly appreciated.