This is a game of nitpicking. The very fact that lifters are so damn anal about every part of their lives is what makes us who we are. From the time I wake up in the morning, until the time I hit the sack, I'm thinking about the details. Like sk* said, If I don't have my protein/carb mix in the car after I lift, I turn into road rage man and haul-ass home to get it.
Would you ignore the details of lifting inside the gym? Would you neglect that last 2" of motion on a particular lift, not pronate your wrists when curling, not squeeze out that last rep, or let a little cheat enter your lifts? Fuck no. This is nitpicking, and this is what makes lifters acheive their goals. Same thing applies to "energy drinks," and other "quirks" that you refer to.
When I built my car, I did every little tiny thing I could to squeeze out every last horse I could get out of it by "nitpicking." Of course, like Ironlion said, the engine was strong as hell before I began to worry about the little things. My car dominated the road and the strip. Same thing applies to our bodies.