Just thought I'd drop by and share a little update
Been running my SARMs Osta and S4 stack for about 2 weeks now, I've been running Layne Norton's PHAT as a routine for 3 weeks now and I am making good strides in terms of strength. I know it's much to early to know how everything will turn out but so far everything has been going very smoothly I'd say, I'm on a 500+ caloric deficit and even so still gaining strength. Although I am feeling the vision sides very harsh for me even at just 50mgs a day split dosed, during a bright day I can't see my speedometer when I look down from the road. I've still been lurking around the forums and am very relived and confident that the symptoms will subside a few days after stopping the dosing.
Overall I'm feeling great in the gym and hoping everything continues running this good throughout the entire cycle! I'll post another update in this thread towards the end of my fat loss cycle for those interested in see the results, cheers.