Thanks for all the info.
Started a triple stack at your suggested dosage after reading all the materials. 25x2 s4, 25 osta, 5x2gw.
Anyway after a week (actually two weeks, but first week was super low dosage), I think I have to stop for now. I have alot of hairloss, oily skin and the nodes in my right armpit are painful and swollen. I noticed I had a bit of acne on my biceps. I also had kidney pain (but I think it may be back pumps instead?).
I am one of those people who experience sensitivity to alot of meds. The GW was from gwp, and s4, osta from uniquemicals.
I'm 5' 11" 193lb, 18.5%. Been lifting for 30 years, the harshest supp I ever used (or anything for that matter) was creatine--had a big positive effect to. Gained 20 lbs that stayed. My bf went up last year and lifting suffered because of knee surgery--aerobics/leg work is harder to do these days.
Any advice?
I must admit even in a week, dramatic difference. I may try again in the future. (I even started the stack with a super low first week of 1/10 what you recommended and noticed something!). I often have to start any meds(cholesterol) low to fool the body and build up.