Bro, I finally got everything I need an am about to start my sarms stack monday! Thank you for all the help you've given me putting my cycle together, I just have one more question for you.
Here are my stats:
Age: 21
Bf%: around 22 i'd say
My goal on this cycle is to mainly lose fat, while still adding just a bit of LBM, and not losing any muscle. I know during a natty cutting cycle loss of LBM and strength is inevitable, but I'm not sure how much SARMS will offset this. Since you know my goals I want to know what you think my diet should be like.
Should I clean bulk with a 250-500 calorie surplus over maintenance, or clean cut with a 250-500 caloric deficit under maintenance?
I know how my macros should look, just not really what I should be doing about my caloric intake.
Thanks for all your help man!