Looking to run a Sarms1 cutting stack. How should I dose these to start out? I'm mainly looking to shed weight and and get in better shape.
Also, will I need to take a PCT after running this? What other supplements can I take with this stack that will be helpful?
Try running your stack for 12 weeks like this...
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW 20mg per day
Make sure to get the highest quality from SARMS1.COM - The best Selective androgen receptor modulators
For your PCT, run a bottle of HCGenerate ES or a bottle of Test Stack
Here are some test stack codes for you
PHONE241 Buy 2 get 1 FREE
ACTNOW30 30% off
HZI7WTBZ 20% off
Discount codes can be used at this link ONLY -----> http://w3.teststackrx.com/102.html