hello all and thanks in advance . my wife is post menopausal she wants to try sarms . she is trying to drop about ten pounds and add some muscle . she works out 4-5 days a week but does not seem to tone up or harden up some . she drops wait but thats about it . what sarms stack and dosage might would help her ? she also takes 20 mgs of test cypionate a week . says it makes her feel great . would she need to stop the test to take the sarms stack ? thank you for your help .
here is the stack i put all my female clients on bro...
1-14 GW-501516 20 mg day SARMS1.COM - The best Selective androgen receptor modulators
1-12 s4 50 mg day SARMS1.COM - The best Selective androgen receptor modulators
1-12 mk-2866 12.5 mg day SARMS1.COM - The best Selective androgen receptor modulators
1-12 yohimflame Bodybuilding, Need to Build Muscle, Muscle Bodybuilding
1-12 need2slin Bodybuilding, Need to Build Muscle, Muscle Bodybuilding
1-12 n2burn Bodybuilding, Need to Build Muscle, Muscle Bodybuilding