Hey guys,
I'm not here to intentionally "hijack" a thread, but this seems to be the master thread for GW-501516 questions... Long story short, I got some gw last year but before I had a chance to use it I got pretty sick (crohn's) and lost around 30lbs... Needless to say, I've not had a use for the gw since because I have been trying to get my mass back up.
So this month marks 12 months since my initial purchase and I decided to go ahead and try it out since I've been making good gains and a little more lean-ness before summer couldn't hurt right? Well to my surprise, my gw (4 bottles) each have their own distinct variation now (this was not the case 1 year ago). I understand that it is ok for the solution to be cloudy (as each bottle was when ordered), and I have read that the shelf life should last at least 1 year (un-opened, away from sunlight, etc.), but I just can't look at the bottles and tell myself it is ok. At the same time, I believe these were around $400 so I don't wanna toss them either. Thus I am here on the form asking for some second opinions. What do you think?
Also, I will mention:
pic 1 - looks most like what I initially received
pic 2 - looks super clear (maybe a good shaking would help the sediment??)
pic 3 - this is my most concerning bottle, those particles in the solution are not air bubbles (ie: I didn't shake it before the pic)
pic 4 - looks similar to pic 2