HansNZ said:
Are you TOTALLY delusional?
Anti-homosexuals are so vocal on EF that it defies belief! This is the most homophobic environment i have EVER been in in my entire life. It makes high school look like a bastion of love and tolerance.
Not only are people incredibly vocal against homosexuality on threads, but I get ENDLESS numbers of anonymous gay bashing karma messages on a daily basis.
The USA is the most conservative society in the Western world. I cannot believe how 1950s the attitudes of Americans are. This site is full of 20 year olds who have the sort of opinions you'd only find among red necked 70 year old men in my country.
In fact this is the only gay themed thread I have been a part of on EF that hasn't been full-on hate mongering, gay-hate inciting harrassment.
Yep................ Buch of hateful people.