Hey Sassy,
It looks like I'm getting a new reply every 1-2 months now. lol
I'm in no way looking for any career to come out of it. (I have far from great genetics) Just some local competitions I've been thinking of for some time. More of a personal goal I've alway set out to do since being really out of shape growing up. And I've always hated public speaking and being in front of large crowds so if I can do this, there really shouldn't be anything else I couldn't do. lol.
Just curious, on ESPN a while ago they had a bodybuilding competition on and one of the competitors was 6'1 190 lbs. most likely in the 4 % bodyfat range. Approximately how much do you think this guy weighs off season with out the water loss and at a higher bodyfat percentage? (Not sure if that made sense) If I'm 6'1 around 230 at 12% bodyfat how far down in weight would I have to go (fat and water loss) to be presentable at a local show? I know this is small compared to most competitors so I'm planning on adding some more size to my frame over the next year and a half.
Anyways, it's good to hear there's some guys who started competing in their 30's. I have an uncle who started competing in 1969 when he was 19 so he always held it over my head saying that it's kind of too late at 27 to get started.