I'm very skeptical of this
One thing I have been personally doing is eating MRP's instead of meals for the very reason this article says you should. It is to drop calories. I am not on a 2000 calorie diet. Maybe 1200. Actually in terms of finances it's much cheaper to do MRP then it is to spen 6+ dollars on fast food or even more (10+) dollars to sit down and eat. The latter 2 are also higher in bad fats. Anyway, I have dropped about 10 pounds I am taking thermos before workout for energy, so I am around 235. (5' 10) I have been doing so for several months. Based on the logic posed in this article I should be less then 10% bodyfat , but I probably am at 12 - 15%. The one thing I have not been doing is cardio as I thought just what this sugested that intense workout in the weightroom and lower calories = fat burned. Unfortunately , this hasn't been the case for me.
So on to the treadmill...