I've been working on this cutting diet for a little bit and wanted some advice/suggestions. Here it is:
Wakeup: Whey Shake w. Milk, Multi-vitamin
Meal 1: 6oz. Chicken & Salad (Lettuce, Broccoli, Oil and Vin)
Meal 2: " "
Pre-workout: 1/2 cup oatmeal
Post-workout: Whey Shake w. Milk & 2 Tbsp Honey
Meal 3: 8-12 oz Chicken & Salad
Meal 4: Same as Meal 1, Multi-vitamin
Before Bed: Protein Shake
My thinking on this diet is this: I'll be getting a quick supply of protein w/ some carbs right when I wake up; throughout the day, my meals will consist of a high protein source (chicken), fiber (lettuce and broc), and an EFA (oil); pre-workout I will supply myself with some low-GI carbs (oatmeal) to help my body get through my workout; and right before bed I will take in some slow-digesting protein.
My stats right now are 5'11" 210lbs 17-18% bf. I am bulking right now and intend to until the end of March, I just wanted to get a head start on this. If all goes well, I'll be 220-225lbs, same bodyfat by that time. My goal for this cutting cycle is to get very lean while retaining as much muscle mass as possible. I'll add cardio later on the cycle after I adjust to the diet, and will substitute chicken with meat or fish if needs be.
Ok, how does it look? Too many calories, too little? What should I substitute in for the days I do not work out? I need some suggestions. Thanks for reading, peace.
Wakeup: Whey Shake w. Milk, Multi-vitamin
Meal 1: 6oz. Chicken & Salad (Lettuce, Broccoli, Oil and Vin)
Meal 2: " "
Pre-workout: 1/2 cup oatmeal
Post-workout: Whey Shake w. Milk & 2 Tbsp Honey
Meal 3: 8-12 oz Chicken & Salad
Meal 4: Same as Meal 1, Multi-vitamin
Before Bed: Protein Shake
My thinking on this diet is this: I'll be getting a quick supply of protein w/ some carbs right when I wake up; throughout the day, my meals will consist of a high protein source (chicken), fiber (lettuce and broc), and an EFA (oil); pre-workout I will supply myself with some low-GI carbs (oatmeal) to help my body get through my workout; and right before bed I will take in some slow-digesting protein.
My stats right now are 5'11" 210lbs 17-18% bf. I am bulking right now and intend to until the end of March, I just wanted to get a head start on this. If all goes well, I'll be 220-225lbs, same bodyfat by that time. My goal for this cutting cycle is to get very lean while retaining as much muscle mass as possible. I'll add cardio later on the cycle after I adjust to the diet, and will substitute chicken with meat or fish if needs be.
Ok, how does it look? Too many calories, too little? What should I substitute in for the days I do not work out? I need some suggestions. Thanks for reading, peace.