b fold the truth said:
Ok...doing them first is NOT an option. I want to be completely fresh for the speed bench/incline/jm press work.
Speaking of which...JM presses with up to 250?
You ARE a beast. Mein Gott!
This is a bit digressive, B Fold, but do you do any curls with the 3"? I cannot speak for you--you're probably in a wholly different situation as a strongman--but my grip is by far my weakest link.
I do not think you can have too strong of a grip, so as a supplementary exercise I'd toss in some thick-bar reverse curls. It might be that little bit of an edge you need in hang-cleaning the sucker...the tighter and longer you can hold on, the greater the control.
More to the point, I also agree with the idea of doing the HCs before DB cleans. If it's something you feel you need to improve, do it as early as you possibly can. I know you don't want to do them before your speed pressing, but is it necessarily set in stone that you must do
every workout in an identical sequence? For example, week one, you could easily take care of your speed benches; week two, you could do the hangs first; and week three, you'd be speed benching again, or something along those lines.
You know to take that with a grain of salt

I know next to nothing of strongman training. I actually hope to learn something of it from you!
Best of luck regardless. You'll kick ass.