Thanks honey.... I edited your post because of a typo.
But yes, to the NTH degree especially on the last paragraph. When I first began using the oil I was like, "Yea right. How ON EARTH do you expect me to believe that I will put oil on oily skin and NOT break out?!"

but as I am sitting here today typing to you, it is true.
We are now speaking with manufacterers to formulate and private label a line of skin care/health products made with emu oil which should be ready for sale within the next 8 weeks or so. I will keep the fitness community high on my list of who I formulate these products for because as a former competitor I realize the concerns and needs of all of you. There will be no fluff - just all *stuff* as I would never personally endorse a product that I don't use and believe in and recommend to all of my family and friends.
It took me THIS LONG to find a wholesaler of the oil itself as not all emu oil is the same either. Many many emu oils out there are garbage, rancid, bad-smelling, processed incorrectly and they are either not as effective as they should be or are just plain nasty. But you send your money and hear all this great stuff, but if you have no experience with the product how would you know the product you just bought is not the best quality?
*scratches head*
You mean this stuff isn't supposed to smell like chicken fat?
That's where I come in..
Not only is emu oil wonderful for you skin it is also an EXCELLENT source of Omega 3, 6 and 9 EFA's! I will also offer gel caps for ingestion because as a fitness professional and former competitor/fitness model who has suffered from long time gastro-intestinal issues I know how important diet is to EVERYONE's well-being. It isn't important... IT IS CRITICAL.
I will offer exfoliants and body scrubs, sunscreens and after hair-removal treatment. I will also hope to be able to offer sunless tanners and a good alternative to competition tanning/staining products. Who knows... if all goes well and I am pleased with the chemist I may venture into makeup?
But that is all just down the line...
We will get superior products formulated and offer them to all who care about the
HEALTH of their skin. It should never be all about pretty... though that is a great bonus, isn't it?