I've been so busy lately. In the process of getting everything boxed up. I'm moving! And boss lady went on vacation so I had that many more hours.
Anyhow, i'ts been what two or three weeks since I was sick. I'm great now. Back to my normal self. Although, when I was sick, I was starving because my stomach couldn't handle any food. I lost a few pounds. But gained them right back when I was able to eat normally again. My body went on strike saying "no more dieting! no more dieting!" So I started eating not-so-great foods. But no worries, i'm getting back to it. It's crazy how much 4-5 days of being ill can change your whole diet. For a few days after getting back to it, I was like, I'm so tired of eating this stuff. I want burgers and fries and a buncha chocolates. I ate a burger or two from wendys (on seperate days) and fries. I know, I know. But i'm getting back to it. Haven't eaten like that in about a week. Been drinking more water though. More salads than anything. And uh, monthly times.... I ccccraaavvveee carbs. Oops. Been going a little high on those too. But I swear once I get settled in my new place (plan to move on the 20th!) i'm gonna have nothing but healthy foods. And we're getting a george foreman grill. No frying chicken! And a blender for fruit shakes and whatnot. I'm very excited about that.
But I think my body is just starting to really get back to normal. I was hungry 24/7 when I JUST got back from being sick. I mean hungry.... pangs, hungry.
So, i've been doing better in the gym. Everything I work, i've been working harder. The bf told me to lower weight a little bit and do more reps. Sometimes he notices I can't get more than 10 reps on some exercises. I've been able to up my weight by 10 on back.
I think the only body part i'm having a problem with when it comes to exercising is shoulders. I'm really just not feeling much after working them.
So how are you lovely ladies doing?!