Let me guess your asking the chubbier guys to see if theres anyway u can get abs to show through with minimal cutting? yah thats what I wanna do too lol.
Im 18% bf, and ultimately I wanna be 12-15% all year round. Anyways I hit abs once or twice a week usually, I make sure I hit them once a week and if Im feeling like it or finish my workout early I hit them again, 5-20 rep range. I have only just started doing this though.
My favourite exercises for the core are-
weighted decline situps
decline situps
needsize abs
hanging leg raise
weighted side bends
farmers walks
45 degree hypers
and I will usually do abs after squat or deadlift day, but sometimes its on my OHP or bench days. And about 9 sets, example would be 3 sets weighted declines, 3 sets hanging leg raises, 3 sets weighted side bends.
You can see my upper abs if I flex them, and in the morning if Iv not had much milk or cheese for a while before and so Im now bloated u can see the outline of my upper abs when relaxed, not like the lines that go between them to make the "pack" but the ouline on the outside of them if you get me