yeah.. pheromones are real.. they are they are scentless and detected but very sensitive areas of your nose... You can't smell it, see it, or taste it, but it is secreted by both sexes... That part is true... however, artificially making that shit and putting it in a supplement? hmmmmm... that is a load of crap... This stuff has been around for years and they first tried to cram it into colognes and perfumes claiming you can attract the other sex with this... That's something I call BULLSHIT... I dun believe science has advanced to the level that would make an ugly girl BEAUTIFUL in front of my eyes... There is no way they can stablize the pheromones in a fucking supplement and 125 a month is probably not even close to the cost it would take to make a supplement out of this shit... Dun waste your money unless you believe in rediculous miracles..