Agree with everything said. You don't HAVE to go low carb, but you need to choose your poison and EITHER drop the carbs OR drop the fat IMHO. In any event, keep protein HIGH HIGH HIGH.
Now about those has nothing to do with what you LIKE. Almost no one LIKES fibrous veggies, yet our ancestors ate them in great quantities because they needed something to fill in the gaps when they were short of food, and they didn't have loaves of bread and lasagna lying around. Just make them a habit. Hold your nose and swallow if you have to, but they are very important for both trace nutrients that you can't get elsewhere, and for keeping you feeling nice and full for longer. They also keep you 'regular'. Make yourself eat the veggies first, and as a reward you then allow yourself some meat/eggs/cottage cheese or whatever. No veggies=no meat. You will quickly learn to like veggies if you use some kind of reward system like this.
And congratulations on your progress so far.