I am naturally narrow shouldered, so years ago I put in the effort and capped out my delts fairly well, but my traps lagged well behind, no amount of shrugs would make them grow. I started deadlifting heavy, they grew, I hurt my back and had to stop deadlifting for a while, presto, no traps again. Now, I destroy shoulders and back on the same day, and am getting growth in both areas. I hear you though spatts, your shoulders can never be too wide, and it doesnt take much to lose that illusion.
As for the caps, I've done a lot of experimenting over the years, and by far have gotten the best results from military press followed by side laterals, simple but heavy
As for the caps, I've done a lot of experimenting over the years, and by far have gotten the best results from military press followed by side laterals, simple but heavy