is anyone opposed to the line changeing to -5.5 steelers is that going to change your bet slayer or 1500 i need to know cause i'm gonna change it..............thats where its at as of nopw and i don't want it moving down another .5
is anyone opposed to the line changeing to -5.5 steelers is that going to change your bet slayer or 1500 i need to know cause i'm gonna change it..............thats where its at as of nopw and i don't want it moving down another .5
is anyone opposed to the line changeing to -5.5 steelers is that going to change your bet slayer or 1500 i need to know cause i'm gonna change it..............thats where its at as of nopw and i don't want it moving down another .5
Once a line is established in the bookie forum we don't change it. One a person places a bet his or her line is locked in. We can't change it on the fly for new betters; unfortunately it's the only flaw in our system. I did the next best thing and closed this event for any future betting.
Motodawg, if you want to create a new event with an updated spread feel free to do so, but I will not ruin the integrity of this forum by changing odds. Next time around be aware of this when hosting events. You guys do a great job...I know it's not easy believe me.
I feel my decision is fair for all parties. If you have any questions send me a PM.
BTW I'm not implying you are ruining the integrity of the forum...I'm simply stating this is how any real betting system works and how we've been operating since day 1.