True - but I personally like to have something subjective to go by. I found that I convinced myself that my lack of exercise, my increasing waistline was ok.
If each year you add 1.5 lbs. of fat, after 10 years, you got a decent amount of flab. Gradual change, especially that of 1.5 lbs (like I did over the past 15 years), can't be really seen and you also get used to your "new looks" everytime you look in the mirror.
Thus, the tanita scale lets me monitor the BF as often as I want in a mere 5 secs.
Anyway, thanks for the input.
By the way, Cosmo, what BF do you want to get to yourself. You're at 9.8% right now, right???
"kidded" myself when I had more body fat that, he