New member
Still working on my form, powercleans are pretty decent now, snatches look cleaner, but early armbend is still not improving much 
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Starting to feel like my old self now!
Good productive session.
Warmups -
Cleangrip Jump shrug - Bar x 5
SnatchGrip JumpShrug - Bar x 5
3 Hang powerclean + 5 front squats - Bar,
3 Hang PowerSnatch+5 overhead squats - Bar,
CleanPull + 2 PowerClean 89lbs
SnatchPull + 2 PowerSnatch 89lbs
SnatchPull+ PowerSnatches + 5 Overhead Squats 89lbs
Powersnatch 111lbs
Rest - 2mins
resetting after every rep - using Hookgrip
Snatch Pull + 2 PowerSnatches - 121lbs x 5 sets
Powerclean - 121lbs, 155lbs (rest 1min)
Clean Pull + 2 PowerCleans - 165lbs x 3 sets (rest 2.5mins)
Form is starting to improve on the powersnatches, but arms bend way too early.
Still having problems determining how high my butt should be at the start in both.
Speed Full Olympic Back Squats - RAW
Warmup sets - 45lbs x5, 135x5, 165x3
Tempo 10X0 - Rest 1.5 mins
Complexed with Full Jumpsquats (1.5min between each)
1) Full Jumpsquats - 30lbs 5x3 - 10sec hold at bottom before starting set
2) 205lbs 5x2
then Power Squat (parallel) - 135lbs x10
I must be getting stronger, because I blasted up 205lbs like never before!
Core and Remedial Work
Alternating between hypers and abs - 1mins rest
A1) Hyper Back extensions - collar to collar snatch grip in hands - 5lb plates (explosive)
70lbs 2x10 - 1sec pause on the floor after each rep
A2)Reverse Hypers - BW x12
B1) Full ROM supported Hanging Leg raises - BW 2x9 (explosive)
B2) 45 degree Incline Situp until torso is 90degree to thighs + Russian twists to each side - holding plate with oustretched arms in front - 5lbs 2x10
- this one I really felt in my entire mid section including my erectors!
I've never had my midsection feel so wasted! erectors were extremely stiff and tight on the way back home!!

Right Click on each and save before viewing!
Starting to feel like my old self now!
Good productive session.
Warmups -
Cleangrip Jump shrug - Bar x 5
SnatchGrip JumpShrug - Bar x 5
3 Hang powerclean + 5 front squats - Bar,
3 Hang PowerSnatch+5 overhead squats - Bar,
CleanPull + 2 PowerClean 89lbs
SnatchPull + 2 PowerSnatch 89lbs
SnatchPull+ PowerSnatches + 5 Overhead Squats 89lbs
Powersnatch 111lbs
Rest - 2mins
resetting after every rep - using Hookgrip
Snatch Pull + 2 PowerSnatches - 121lbs x 5 sets
Powerclean - 121lbs, 155lbs (rest 1min)
Clean Pull + 2 PowerCleans - 165lbs x 3 sets (rest 2.5mins)
Form is starting to improve on the powersnatches, but arms bend way too early.
Still having problems determining how high my butt should be at the start in both.
Speed Full Olympic Back Squats - RAW
Warmup sets - 45lbs x5, 135x5, 165x3
Tempo 10X0 - Rest 1.5 mins
Complexed with Full Jumpsquats (1.5min between each)
1) Full Jumpsquats - 30lbs 5x3 - 10sec hold at bottom before starting set
2) 205lbs 5x2
then Power Squat (parallel) - 135lbs x10
I must be getting stronger, because I blasted up 205lbs like never before!
Core and Remedial Work
Alternating between hypers and abs - 1mins rest
A1) Hyper Back extensions - collar to collar snatch grip in hands - 5lb plates (explosive)
70lbs 2x10 - 1sec pause on the floor after each rep
A2)Reverse Hypers - BW x12
B1) Full ROM supported Hanging Leg raises - BW 2x9 (explosive)
B2) 45 degree Incline Situp until torso is 90degree to thighs + Russian twists to each side - holding plate with oustretched arms in front - 5lbs 2x10
- this one I really felt in my entire mid section including my erectors!
I've never had my midsection feel so wasted! erectors were extremely stiff and tight on the way back home!!

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