Only bad thing I had all week was a pint of Sorbet. Probably not that bad since I had 3 R-ALA with it and I'd had 30g carbs each of the previous 4 days.
Here I am
I have been sick all week!!!!
havent been able to work out at all!!!!!
SOOOOO Bummed!!!! I am feeling better though,
hopefully just a few more days of antibiotics and I will be good to go!!!!!Stupid Flu!!!!!
Glad every one is still in!!
133 at Publix today
I'm still in - although you can't tell from the way I'm acting. My morning trip to the gym has been thwarted by the fact that I must wait on UPS for my TiVo! (yee haw!) But I'll go in tonight.
oooooh, I want tivo so bad!!! I have directtv. They have a special box with Tivo built into it. I think I'm gonna buy it. Makedah, let me know how you like it!!!
Poor baby!!!! Your health comes first! You'll be back in the gym in no time!
I'm still in, weighed 224 this morning. Thought I was holding water soo uped my dose on the letrozole and took 40 mg of lasix. Still came in 224 this morning. My workout was great though.