Needhelp said:
So no whey preworkout? And drink the grape juice while working out?
here is the thinking on the whey preworkout.
eating protein, of any sort (predigested or otherwise), will require your body to make a choice for bloodflow. either supply the working muscles or digest. sympathetic nervous system, or parasympathetic, work hard or relax and absorb. the usual idea is to eat an hour or so prior, not 10 minutes. even if taking protein such as branch chain aminos, you would wait 30-45 min before working out. as for the diluted grape juice; just for energy. but diluted still. POST workout you can immediately hit the simple sugars and protein since you are at an optimal time for absorption. followed an hour or so later by a well rounded meal with not only starchy carbs but also fibrous. skip the whole carb tapering thing i notice going on with the eating plans mentioned. you need carbs round the clock to spare protein for other uses.
as for having 1.5gms+ per lb of protein. thats all fine and dandy, many will go with that, but im not a fan of it. offseason bodybuilders in adaptation require 1.2-1.8 gms per Kg (not lbs). keep in mind, workload is harder so your macronutrients shift towards carbs to fuel your workouts and spare protein. as you begin to cut, then shifting towards proteins is optimal since the body's demands to keep muscle are stressed. a ready source of protein in the blood supply can be used to spare muscle in times of stress. (low calorie intake, excessive cardio etc.)
but as the argument will go round and round. "everyone is different.
my macronutrient ratios right now are 50-55 carbs, 25-30 proteins, 15-20 fats. thats what ive found to feel the best for the foods i eat, keeps me full, etc. calories about 3500-3800.
this is how you troubleshoot slow gains, slow fat loss etc. you get exacting quantities of what you are taking in your body so all you have to do is tweak that a bit and work on how much you put out of your body through exercise. if you can without a doubt say you are eating over your proposed maintenance, in decent ratios, you will grow. if you can say you are eating under maintenance, you will lose weight.