@miked8c: haha you assumed wrong

. I'm a skinny wanting to get bigger and stronger
Thank you for the replies and encouragement guys

I do hope I'd get to my target weight of 80kg. Will deload next week, I'll do my best on eating more first before trying out Protein powder.
here's my progress for the day:
Deadlift: 110,120, 130x3
Chin Ups: 6, 3, 2
Pull Ups: 1, 1, 1 (I'm really having a hard time with these although at least I can do 1 per set now. Unfortunately there are no power bands here in my country to help me out with my pull ups)
Squats: 110x5
Military Press: 75x4 80x1 (I tried increasing the load on the military press, had a hard time lifting and was only able to do 3 reps, I've been stuck on 75lbs for 2 weeks now. Hopefully by next week I'd progress on this)
Overall, my day was ok, was more energetic today than Monday. Felt more anxious to lift today. Today is my 27th day in the gym