This 4 day routine works pretty well for me, except for triceps:
monday [quads/calves]
- warm up leg ext.
- squats
- lunges
- leg ext.
- standing calve raises
tuesday [chest/biceps]
- incline barbell
- peck deck machine
- flat barbell press
- alt dumbbell curls
- single arm preahcer curls
- barbell curls
thursday [tris / back]
- skull crushes on eZbar
- v-bar push downs
- kick backs
- low row
- lat pull
- bent over row
Friday[hams / shoulders / calves]
- front military press
- rear delts on peck deck
- lateral raises [but not now - elbow is messed up]
- lying ham curls
- stiff leg dead lifts
- seated calves raises
Of course, the order of the exercises changes occassionally, and switching from barbell to dumbbell every now and then. And sometime choosing whole new exercises.
So far this has worked very well for me, and i LOVE having the weekends off... even when i am afraid i am getting smaller. Good luck, hope this helped you design yours at all.