Look at it like this I used gear and hard drugs for years but honestly where I think I went wrong was doing orals often and not doing pct all the time
My test levels at 28 were 193 super low
But that could be attributed to many things
All I gotta say is this
U seem very worried about natural test levels and u "getting big to fast "
Check it out if ur so worried about that stuff why risk it
There are always sides with gear maybe some are more for others but no one knows until u try
Ppl can give u advice and u have to take the risk vs reward approach
So ask urself this
If I take d Bol and gain 15-20 I could possibly
A ) get gyno
B ) have low test levels for a wile after cycle even with pct
C) have no sex drive
D) have emotional issues
E) loose gains
Or u can take it and all will be ok
U gotta ask urself are u scared to have to experience those things?
Cuz if u are ur not ready
U either read up on it more and make a executive decision
Or you listen to some of the guys on here that will chime in and give more advice
I am currently 196 lbs at about 8-9% bf
All I know if if I were you I would just put on some hardcore death metal and get crazy in the gym eat lift and wait
Ur gonna bust through this
How long have u been at ur plateau and have u ever got bloodwork ?
I think even for guys at your age bloodwork is key to know where ur body is
My test levels at 28 were 193 super low
But that could be attributed to many things
All I gotta say is this
U seem very worried about natural test levels and u "getting big to fast "
Check it out if ur so worried about that stuff why risk it
There are always sides with gear maybe some are more for others but no one knows until u try
Ppl can give u advice and u have to take the risk vs reward approach
So ask urself this
If I take d Bol and gain 15-20 I could possibly
A ) get gyno
B ) have low test levels for a wile after cycle even with pct
C) have no sex drive
D) have emotional issues
E) loose gains
Or u can take it and all will be ok
U gotta ask urself are u scared to have to experience those things?
Cuz if u are ur not ready
U either read up on it more and make a executive decision
Or you listen to some of the guys on here that will chime in and give more advice
I am currently 196 lbs at about 8-9% bf
All I know if if I were you I would just put on some hardcore death metal and get crazy in the gym eat lift and wait
Ur gonna bust through this
How long have u been at ur plateau and have u ever got bloodwork ?
I think even for guys at your age bloodwork is key to know where ur body is