Hey guys, so I have read almost all the forums and book but always mixed views on dbol oral cycle and its safety for my age etc. can you guys help me with this? My stats are age 21 turning 22 in a month or two and been training for almost 4 years. Stats are
weight: 176 lbs
bf%: 5.5
it seems like it's impossible to get further development as a natty other than strength increments. And yess I do count my calories everyday and I like to do so but it seems like it has reached its peak and does not develop anymore past half year or so other than fat. So I read on a book that recommends pyramiding oral dbol with Nolva everyday just in case and then doing pct as well for 8 weeks. Would this be really detrimental for my because of my age? Yes I know a lot of water gain will happen but so what? You can't loose the muscle that you worked hard for unless you get really huge which can't happen with this cycle and would take years more hard work and dedication and need the support of steroids to keep them. So can you guys please help me out with deciding especially clarifying important points with the age factor. And what would you guys recommend for pct? cause as i have stated i am thinking nolvadex everyday with dbol (10mg) just in-case. And when done, i was considering
1st day: 60 mg
2-11: 40 mg
12-21: 20 mg
i would also like to know how much weight did you guys gain and how much were you able to keep? did you pct? did you workout as hard as possible while trying to be accurately as possible with calories? And my other question is for all is, would people who see me everyday take notice of this weight fluctuation and go like wtf is going on?And as for the occupation if you guys may ask, I am a med student. So I would appreciate if you guys let me know if this would or could affect my studying as well. Thx for taking your time to help, really appreciate it
And no i don't look small unless i wear a sweater....honestly i "stop" myself from eating. I love to eat, hence that's why i count the calories... from gaining extra fat, and i am pretty good at it. When i don't count, which i tried few times when i go back to my parents house, i gain around 2-3 kg in less than a week. And yeah that's my problem i started to go on this route to look "big". now i look shredded and beach ready, get asked for help on bodybuilding from everyone that meets me (unless i wear a sweater or longshirt, cause than i look small af ) maybe good for a natty model but... i don't like it and i don't want to get fat either for a lot of health reasons. Thus, as a natty you CANT be BIG and LEAN as in low bf not around 10-15%, its a fkin lie, you just cant. maybe 1 in a million and i still highly doubt it. Biggest things i am scared of in dbol cycle is: ruining natural test levels permanently (is it possible?), and my parents and friends saying wtf is going on (as in, does water weight come of ridiculously fast?), cause as a med student, i know they will judge me really harshly as i always advocate "health" first
weight: 176 lbs
bf%: 5.5
it seems like it's impossible to get further development as a natty other than strength increments. And yess I do count my calories everyday and I like to do so but it seems like it has reached its peak and does not develop anymore past half year or so other than fat. So I read on a book that recommends pyramiding oral dbol with Nolva everyday just in case and then doing pct as well for 8 weeks. Would this be really detrimental for my because of my age? Yes I know a lot of water gain will happen but so what? You can't loose the muscle that you worked hard for unless you get really huge which can't happen with this cycle and would take years more hard work and dedication and need the support of steroids to keep them. So can you guys please help me out with deciding especially clarifying important points with the age factor. And what would you guys recommend for pct? cause as i have stated i am thinking nolvadex everyday with dbol (10mg) just in-case. And when done, i was considering
1st day: 60 mg
2-11: 40 mg
12-21: 20 mg
i would also like to know how much weight did you guys gain and how much were you able to keep? did you pct? did you workout as hard as possible while trying to be accurately as possible with calories? And my other question is for all is, would people who see me everyday take notice of this weight fluctuation and go like wtf is going on?And as for the occupation if you guys may ask, I am a med student. So I would appreciate if you guys let me know if this would or could affect my studying as well. Thx for taking your time to help, really appreciate it
And no i don't look small unless i wear a sweater....honestly i "stop" myself from eating. I love to eat, hence that's why i count the calories... from gaining extra fat, and i am pretty good at it. When i don't count, which i tried few times when i go back to my parents house, i gain around 2-3 kg in less than a week. And yeah that's my problem i started to go on this route to look "big". now i look shredded and beach ready, get asked for help on bodybuilding from everyone that meets me (unless i wear a sweater or longshirt, cause than i look small af ) maybe good for a natty model but... i don't like it and i don't want to get fat either for a lot of health reasons. Thus, as a natty you CANT be BIG and LEAN as in low bf not around 10-15%, its a fkin lie, you just cant. maybe 1 in a million and i still highly doubt it. Biggest things i am scared of in dbol cycle is: ruining natural test levels permanently (is it possible?), and my parents and friends saying wtf is going on (as in, does water weight come of ridiculously fast?), cause as a med student, i know they will judge me really harshly as i always advocate "health" first