Thanks for the comments
I'll be back when I'm stronger and smoke this mofo
but first I gotta work on my form, that's what I lack, I just muscled it up.
Proper hip drive deadlift form will help me in the first phase of my olylifts of the ground so its worth doing. I'll do some knee cap rack pulls as well
Bfold - yeah I tried banded deads on a podium when I first got the bands, doubled purples with 135lbs, damn hard to lockout! Yeah it does force you to really explode hard off the floor.
My problem is that with oly lifts, you should pull off the flow slowly and then speed up as you approach the knee, sorta 2 phased.
I probably make it more so since I don't acclerate, I basicly pull slow and then boom, without a gradual speedup.
Whereas with the deadlifts that's not the case, so I have bad muscle memory patterns. Something I need to work on.