can anyone give me info on 5mg d bol fake or not fake? they are hexagon small, pink have a line on one side and pic of what looks like a person kneeling like in press up position on their knuckles would be appreciated also they have clean cut edges around the hexagon and do not dissolve very quick .
i am ending a 16 weeker....
750 test x16
400 eq x15 or 16
50mg dbol for first 6 weeks.
proviron throughout
i plan to use 50mg clomid for 3 weeks....and 20mg nolva for 3-4 weeks with some hcg too(i havent determined how to dose it).
probably will use tribulus...and aifm.
will probably not use proviron.
can anyone give me info on 5mg d bol fake or not fake? they are hexagon small, pink have a line on one side and pic of what looks like a person kneeling like in press up position on their knuckles would be appreciated also they have clean cut edges around the hexagon and do not dissolve very quick .
yes it was my first time with eq. i used 400 or a bit more each week and finished out with 800 and 600 my last two weeks just to finish what was left in the bottle.
next time i will do 600 for 12-15 weeks but 400 was great for an initial run of it.
i loved it because it kept me dry, vascular and hungry as all hell.