Any thoughts as why Chuck V, Mat Dimel, Gary Frank, Louie Simmons, Dave Tate, Franco Columbo, Dorian Yates, Hannibal, not do these? Why do they not do high reps on the deadlift?
I know from experience that doing a set(s) of 10 reps does not build the same strength or size on deadlifts as a set(s) of 5 and under. I have done high reps before and always grew more with fewer injuries from doing lower reps.
If I begin doing deadlifts with a 20 rep set and increase the weight every week till the reps fall...sure I would get stronger...I would be doing deadlifts. Would my 1rm increase? I highly doubt it. As a matter of the weight increased and my reps volume would begin to change greatly causing me to peak at an odd time. I never reccomend doing deads for more than 3 weeks at a time. After would be better off doing goodmornings of some sort.
Is there any certain reason that you suggest doing 20 reps on the deadlift? I just don't see the purpose behind it. Even the classic theory of "toning" so to speak begins at about 12-15 reps. Please elaborate.
B True