Louie just says don't go over singles...to much risk for injury too. I like singles on these too...but may start doing multiples because there is a contest this summer where we deadlift 440 for max reps in 90 sec.
Are you guys sure singles are the way to go? I thought powerlifters didn't build their strength purely on singles.
Personally, I like to use some reps, and gradually work up to a heavy weight. But even on my heaviest lift, I still do 2-3 reps. I think you are more likely to hurt yourself on a near max single lift then a 90% 2-3 rep set.
Many powerlifters, including myself, do not use the deadlift to build strength, but instead use a variety of movement to strengthen weak muscles in the kinetic chain that comprimises the deadlift. Exercises such as good morings, varieties of squats, ham-glute raises, reverese hypers, etc.
I too am a fan of the single rep deadlift. Any more and I begin to think I am doing cardio.
well shit...are we giving out powerlifting advice here or bodybuilding advice? we've got one guy telling him to do singles and another guy telling him to do 20 rep sets.
i train with the intention of bodybuilding. i alternate doing heavy deads one week (reps no higher than 10 reps on first set, then 8 and 6) and then the next week i'll do a lighter weight and shoot for 20 reps. i have seen excellent strength and size increase from this.
I usually never go over 5 when doing sets, but recently I have been doing 90 sec sets for max reps...so, of course, I am going over 12 most of the time. I think that 12 for sets would be too many...just my .02, though.
I usually never go over 5 when doing sets, but recently I have been doing 90 sec sets for max reps...so, of course, I am going over 12 most of the time. I think that 12 for sets would be too many...just my .02, though.