I did a cycle in the past. 12 weeks of test cyp and dbol. Now I am in the military and looking to start a new cycle. I have 2 vials of test cyp and 150/50mg oral winstrol, and HCG. I am not very knowledgeable on using steroids safely because last time I was sort of guided by my old lifting buddy...
I am 5 ft 8 in + 165 pounds
I would like to lose around 30 or 40 lb
I have some compounds that I wanted to run by you
Oxandrolone anavar
if I would have run all four together what kind of dosing should I do
I am interested in doing a female contest in the near future
I’m currently 5’5’’ and 124 pounds and my body fat is 17%. my goal is to get my body fat lower than that and be in Prime contest shape
my question is do you know where to find the best contest? I’m gonna be using winstrol and anavar...
This is the season for cutting down ahead of the summer. I'm excited because I'm taking some Caribbean vacations and I want to look good on the beach.
This is the set up I was going to do. Let me know if this works. I’m currently 22 years old 5’7’’ 210 pounds and 23% body fat
Trenbolone 300mgs...
I am a sprinter who does 400 m and 800 M runs
I was wondering how much winstrol works best?
I’m 24 years old and 5’10’’ 7% body fat and muscular
also do I need to run with it to get the most benefits. A lot of guys i run with use it but we don’t discuss dosages
I listen to a podcast where they said females can use winstrol at low dosages
what kind of results can I expect to get if I was to run 5- 10 mg a day?
I’m currently 5’1’’ 140 pounds and 25% body fat
I lift weights 3x per week and do pilates twice a week
I've been following a small cycle then big cycle plan for the past year. I basically run a cycle with maybe one or two compounds and then I'll run a bigger cycle with three or four compounds. And then switch back and forth
This time i want to run a bigger cycle
I’m gonna do 1000mgs trenbolone...
I’ve tried everything.
My trainer had me try all of those
I’m 5’3’’ and 164 pounds
Only having minimum success so far cutting weight
not sure what else I should try and do you have any suggestions maybe I'm missing the secret ingredient
What is the best dosage for females to use winstrol at?
I’m 5’2’’ and 175 pounds
my goal is to lose over 40 lb.
If i did 5mg a day would I be able to run it more than six weeks or is that the limit of how long I should use it.
my other question is what kind of side effects can I expect
okay so I've been doing some research as to the best steroids to use if I'm going to compete in the physique competition
I've narrowed it down to:
if I was to run a cycle involving those steroids how would you do it. Would...
I want to try using 3 different steroids together
I’m 41 years old and been training for 15 years
Not my first time using PED’s, i’ve used Supplements, sarms, and some steroids before
I’m looking to do a stack of:
5mg anavar oxandrolone
5mg winstrol
10mg per day Equipoise...
if I was to run a heavier cycle where I did over a gram of testosterone and equipoise would i need to run bloodwork during to make sure my numbers didn't get too out of control?
or can I wait till I'm finished?
My plan is 1000mg testosterone cypionate
1200mg equipoise
Might use a...
I’m looking to pick up a couple items for PSL purity source labs
My question is would their anavar oxandrolone work good with their winstrol winny?
if so what kind of dosing should I be running. I know anavar is faked a lot. Anyone had luck with theirs?
This is going to be my first real cycle I've ever done. I've done a couple in the past but didn't know what I was doing and they didn't go well.
I had a couple thoughts on what I should do. I’m 28, 5’10’’ 219 pounds. Body fat is 16%
Test only cycle 600mg a week
Test 200mg a week...
Evolutionary.org 461 Fake Steroids, Winstrol Oil and betting on The Super Bowl.
I’m doing a steroid stack with geneza pharma and so far my results are very good
I’m getting good results and feel like my body is changing everyday
I’m doing their trenbolone, anadrol and winstrol together. I’m going to cut off the winstrol next week and cut off the anadrol 2 weeks after.
6 ft and 220 lb
I was previously 265 lb but he lost a lot of weight. my body fat is down to 16 or 17% body fat. I still have some loose skin
I'm hoping that using steroids can help tighten up the loose skin and make me look better.
I want to use Sustanon 500 mg a week. And maybe...
I had a question about how hard a female can lift weights while on anabolic steroids
I'm going to be using Winstrol at 10 mg a day
I'm currently 5 ft 4
I'm currently only lifting 3 or 4 times a week. If I went on this steroid would I be able to lift more often and get better results or...
I was always under the impression that orals weren't fake because it would be really easy to get them tested. I always thought that injectables were two things that they faked a lot of
but now I'm hearing that they can also fake oral anabolic steroids
How likely is it that the Winstrol that...