So far I am up 7 pounds and feel amazing
I decided to try their winstrol and dianabol oral stack
doing 25mgs of each per week. I am gonna finish up this stack 1 more week
I look amazing in the mirror and shredded
I'm currently doing 300 mg of testosterone cypionate and I'm doing 250 mg of Trenbolone enanthate
I'm finishing up my cycle at 12 weeks. my question is can I continue with doing winstrol for another 4 weeks to tighten things up or should i just stop?
I'm 30 years old and I gained about 16...
First time using a steroid stack
I’ve used steroids by themselves for the past couple years.
I'm up to 225 lb and 6 ft 1 in. my body fat is 12%
friends say that I should compete if I continue to improve next couple years
I'm looking to take something to improve my physique further
My plan is...
I’m currently on a shredder steroid stack
I’m doing masteron 500mgs a week
and doing winstrol with it 25mgs a day
I’m 5 weeks in
results are good so far but want to shred up more.
I’m 15% body fat, 6’1’’ 188 pounds and 26
I just finished my 5 week oral only stack from geneza pharma
All i did was anadrol 50mgs a day with some winstrol 20mgs a day
The results were outstanding. I put on 6 solid kg of muscle and I look leaner in the mirror. I'm very happy with how I look
I am looking to bulk up a little bit as a female
I want to try 50mgs a week equipoise and 5mgs a day winstrol
can you recommend me a good source for those
I’m 5’1’’ 95 pounds and 23
I have been using steroids for 10 years
My next cycle is going to be from geneza pharma cause i’ve heard a lot of good things
How would you stack this based on my stats being 6’ tall and 223 pounds. Need to lose weight i’m at 20% body fat
I am 10 weeks into my 15 week cycle
So far doing testosterone cypionate and equipoise.
Now i want to cut down last 5 weeks
Should i drop the test or keep it going?
I want to add in winstrol or masteron. Which one is better?
I’m 9% body fat and 5’8’’ 158 pounds, 27 years old
I'm 36 years old 5 ft 10 in in 180 lb
I’m approximately 15% body fat
I'm currently doing a stack of trenbolone 300mgs a week, anavar oxandrolone 50mgs a day and winstrol 50mgs a day
I'm getting some unusual side effects.
My main complaint is my joints feel weird and my acne is out of control...
What are some hair changes I can expect from using PED’s?
I’m looking to try winstrol and possibly anavar
I’m 31 years old, 5’1’’ 112 pounds
I have long hair and its straight naturally. Will my hair get messed up?
I was going to put together a cycle where I put testosterone propionate with winstrol together
This will allow me to cut down and get harder right?
Would doing it like this be good?
Test P 500mgs per week. EOD injecting
Winstrol 75mgs per day
8 weeks
I’m 42 5’11’’ 10% body fat
Okay so I am gonna do my 2nd cycle, my first was testosterone only. It was okay
I want to add in winstrol this time
What is the best dosage of winstrol and how long can you run it with testosterone?
I’m about 205 pounds and 5’11’’ 14% body fat. 35 years old
6ft 1in + 285 lb
48 years old
I want to lose some weight but I don't want to lose my strength
can you assist me on what you would recommend for me?
I’m thinking of stacking trenbolone, winstrol and masteron
Maybe adding an oral like anavar/oxandrolone
I was on here with a different handle a year ago and was told to cut down before i use winstrol
Okay so I did it.
Went from 126 kg down to 105 kg.
My body fat is around thirteen or fourteen percent
35 years old‘
how do I use Winstrol now? I want to cut down further and get leaner?
I’m 10% body fat
176 pounds
27 years old
I like being lean and mean
From here should i focus on hardening up?
If so would winstrol and masteron be my best options?
If yes how would you stack them in a cycle?
ordered some steroids from PSL, was worried about getting fakes because i’m a female and don’t want any severe side effects. they sent quality products. communications is excellent easy to order from them. packaging was good and took about 6 days for delivery. products i've ordered was anavar...
napsgear is a quality source for sure, putting up this review to let others know that you don’t have to use a lot of this stuff for results. prices are very fair. ordering from them is always top notch pros. packaging was excellent happy no breaks got here. i have ordered winstrol, tbol, and...
I am doing winstrol + anavar 5mgs of each per day
I’m a female who is 140 pounds and 5’8’’
I train in the gym almost everyday because i am a PT and manager there
My question is about sex drive
It seems to be going up and down through this cycle. It went up the first 3 weeks, now its back down...