Hey guys, Couldn't find a thread on this.
I'm already taking test cyp., 150/wk. for trt.
Age 44./5'11"/177 lbs/clean diet. Body fat is around 18%
About 20 years exp in training. Always been a hard gainer ecto-endo.
I was looking for a legal supp that would help me lean out a bit and add...
Doc had put me on typical 200mg every two weeks. I broke it up into 50mg every 3.5 days because of the poor half life reaction after 3 days. I felt okay i guess...
Last shot, Monday, I tried 100mg and have really felt great the past few days. Tomorrow is my next inj and think I'll continue...
Ok, I recently went back to the TRT doc for a follow-up. I ‘m taking 250IU 2x week after my Testosterone injections to hopefully help prevent some of the reproductive issues in the future.
At this appointment, the doc suggested taking every third month off from HCG to prevent some type of...
Hey guys,
I have scouted the posts to find something similar but better still hear from individuals who may have gone through the same.
My interest in the gym came from a depression episode I had that lasted over a year and a half. At the time they put me on anti-depressants with hope of...
I'm currently in week 7 of a 10 week TRT cycle; 400mg/week Test Cypionate & Arimidex .5mg EOD.
This is my first cycle of any kind and I plan to do one more cycle with the addition of deca, before deciding whether or not to stay on TRT indefinitely. Going in to speak with my doctor in a few...
Is it possible for any type of US pharmacy to mix Deca & Test Cypionate in the same vial?
How about HCG & Test or Deca?
I'm on TRT and was thinking it would be nice to have it ready like this :cool:
I am in no way affiliated with the manufacturer or seller of this product.
For months now I have been using Triocane topical numbing cream for all my self injections and blood draws. Using this stuff I don't even feel the needle pierce my skin.
TrioCaine - Strong dermal anesthetic to prevent...
Since I get so many PMs from people asking me the benefits of using an HRT Clinic versus an underground lab, and how to reach my friend that works at the HRT Clinic I use, I thought why not make one thread where I can put up info about HRT Clinics and my experiences over the 4 - 5 years that...
Was at the pharmacy to pick up Testosterone Cypionate and the pharmacist sold me 29 gage insulin pins.
She assured me that these can be used for Testosterone Cypionate and said these are the only ones they sell.
I'm concerned that she might be wrong :confused:
Please tell me if these can be...
Had blood test done last week and result for Serum testosterone was 205 ng/dl out of 280-800 reference interval. I did this by fasting and not sleeping for 30 hours before the blood test. (Full panels were completed and are available upon request). Nothing but testosterone was out of range...
I'm a 36 year old male. I've previously been treated for low T levels, but have relocated and my new doc won't prescribe TRT. I am looking for advice regarding my test results.
My test results were as follows:
Total testosterone = 345 ng/dL
Free testosterone = 110.9 pg/ml
Hello, I am a new member who was recently prescribed 400 mg of test cymp. every two weeks. I am breaking the dose down into four shots. One shot every 4 days. Will that be enough to help me stack on some good weight in the gym? Should I be concerned about estrogen buildup if I will be...