I'm going to be running a cycle and I plan on afterwards going ahead and cruising for the rest of the year going forward
my cycle will be 400 mg week of Trenbolone and I'm also going to run about 250 mg a week of testosterone cypionate
how would you run this in terms of how long to stay on...
I know that there are many ways to run Trenbolone and testosterone
But for someone who only cares about bodybuilding and looking good how would you run these two together
I had 2 options:
A: tren 200, test 400
B: test 100, tren 400
I’m 33
177 pounds
I was thinking of bulking with trenbolone acetate
gonna maybe do 75mg EOD of it
someone said it wasn’t the best thing to use to bulk with and is more for a cutter
I’m 26 and 5’9’’ 162 pounds. I want to bulk up maybe 10 or 15 pounds
what should I run with it and what kind of ancillaries...
What is the best trenbolone acetate that is sold from napsgear? looking for the most optimal brand
the last time I use Trenbolone I got a lot of posts injection pain and swelling. I also had a fever after injection. The stuff word great but I don't want to go through that again. Please...
I wanted to know what the differences were between the different Trenbolone Esters available
I’ve got to pick one between acetate, enanthate and hex.
out of those which one did you guys have the best results with because that is the one I'm going to go where
I’m 32 years old and this...
I am desperate to solve my acne issues because I'm dating again and girls find this disgusting. I'm getting some really bad acne side effects on my shoulders and on my back. It looks like I have some type of disease it's so bad
I'm using TRT and i was on a steroid stack of trenbolone and...
I'm already on testosterone replacement therapy TRT.
I am going to do an 8 week blast to the heavens.
Here we go:
Trenbolone acetate 1000mg
Masteron propionate 1000mg
Winstrol 100mg a day
I plan on working out at least three to four times a week and taking it...
Evolutionary.org Episode 443 Why Trenbolone is so loved and hated. Big guy steroid cycle.
My next cycle is going to be my biggest yet.
I’m 1.69cm 180 pounds and 29 years old
My cycle is going to be 1000mgs of sustanon, 800mgs of trenbolone acetate, and 1000mgs of equipoise
I know the side effects are going to be brutal but I'm willing to deal with them to achieve the physique...
A lot of guys are saying that GW cardarine is a must use with Trenbolone because it can help with a lot of different things on cycle especially cardio
my question is what is the proper ratio to use it at if I'm going to do 200mgs of tren or 500mgs of tren?
is it like a 2 to 1 ratio or...
I plan on doing 2 to 3 steroid cycles per year for the next five years
the Cycles are going to be about twelve weeks each
if I were to run blood work properly how often would I need to do it
Like my next cycle i’m planning is Trenbolone and testosterone. it's going to be 8 to 12 weeks and...
I am going to run Trenbolone at 250 mg a week from geneza pharma GP
wondering what you guys think about this type of cycle.
Should i get acetate or should i roll with enanthate instead?
this will be my third time with Trenbolone but the first couple times my source was really bad and I...
so I am doing Trenbolone and anavar oxandrolone
my dosages are 300 mg and 40 mg
the weird thing is I'm losing weight on the cycle. I'm down 4 lb since I started three weeks ago. I'm eating at least 300 g of protein a day so I don't understand why I am cutting so fast
I thought I...
I have a few Cycles under my belt and I think I'm ready to run Trenbolone
right now I am speaking when it comes to strength and size
I’m 5’11’’
212 pounds
I am benching around 300 pounds. my goals are to get bigger and also stronger but I don't want to put on fat
for a first...
Evolutionary.org episode 437 How to lower SHBG and best Trenbolone esters?
I'm ready to roll on this cycle
I'm 35 years old
I waited a few years before using Trenbolone like everyone recommended
I want to use testosterone and Trenbolone at 500 mg each
my full stats are 12% body fat and six foot tall
what kind of ancillaries do I need on the cycle besides using...
I have been doing a testosterone 200 MGS a week and Trenbolone 400 mg a week cycle for the past six weeks
my sleep issues are getting worse on cycle
my partner is saying I have been snoring like crazy, also my sleep quality has been getting worse and worse
What are some tips to help with both...
195 pounds
12% body fat
I’m interested in trying out trenbolone
What is the best way to run it?
I’m looking for the least amount of sides possible
This is my first time thinking about using it
I want to recomp put on some size and also keep body fat as low as possible
If I am going to run this cycle:
400mg a week testosterone
500mg a week Equipoise
200mg a week Trenbolone
Will this change the way I workout and will I be able to lift more weight on steroids vs. How I usually workout?
Saw a dude who was juiced up at the gym who was acting like a gorilla